Travis Hicks

My name is Travis Hicks, and I am a twenty-five year old Music Business student at Full Sail University. Growing up in Charleston, South Carolina, I found a love for the beach, and above all, music. I graduated high school and then attended the University of South Carolina for about a year and half. I studied Business Management there at the Darla School of Business, but decided to take off a couple of years from school and start work. I interned at a local music venue in the city of Columbia, South Carolina, which is where the University was located. It is here that I learned everything that I knew about the music indsutry before attending Full Sail University. That job really gave me the motivation to keep on working in the music industry, and to follow my dreams of achieving that goal. In August 2014, I started the Music Business program here at Full Sail, and will graduate in May of 2016. It is my hope after graduation, to work in event production, A&R for a record label, or some kind of music distribution company. My skills include an expertise in all Microsoft Office applications, social media, and social networking.

Here is my Facebook and LinkedIn profiles Facebook and LinkedIn

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